The Scientific Magazine Espíritu Emprendedor TES is a publication of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Espíritu Santo in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, with a multidisciplinary style, published quarterly. The first issue covers January to March and is published in the second half of January. The second issue covers April to June, and is published in the second half of April. The third issue covers July to September and is published in the second half of July and the fourth covers October to December and is published in the second half of October.


The objective of the journal is to disseminate the results of scientific research in thematic areas related to Information Sciences and Designs, Administrative Sciences, Education Sciences, Communication and Marketing Sciences, Health Sciences and Gastronomy and the Tourist development, through the presentation of scientific articles , contributing to the academic and scientific development of contemporary society, allowing authors to communicate their findings and readers, the possibility of discovering the extensive work related to these areas and their impact and relationship with other fields of knowledge.


The Scientific Magazine Espíritu Emprendedor  TES, is aimed at a multidisciplinary audience that covers topics related to Information Sciences and Designs, Administrative Sciences, Education Sciences, Communication Sciences and Marketing,  Gastronomy and Tourism Development, interested in being updated in the theoretical, investigative and empirical work that is carried out in these areas.


The members of the editorial board of The Scientific Magazine Espíritu Emprendedor  TES, represent different national and international institutions: Instituto Tecnológico Superior Espíritu Santo, of Ecuador, International University of Ecuador, University of Holguin, Cuba, IES Eulogio Florentino Sanz. Arévalo - Spain and the Metropolitan University of Quito, campus Guayaquil, Ecuador. Universidad Católicaca Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador and the Centro de Salud Tipo C. Cisne 2, Ecuador. Ab. Aldo Maino, Ed.D, is the principal director and editor of the magazine.

The Scientific Council has members from several countries. It also has a Board of Reviewers formed by external colleagues in charge of determining the relevance and impact of the documents, using the double blind peer review mode. To learn more about the review process, see the Instructions for Authors. The responsibility of processing and giving continuity to the contents of the magazine rests on the Editorial Team, represented by the Main Editor of the magazine.

In order for an original document to be sent to Espíritu Emprendedor TES, the author must complete and sign the originality declaration and transfer agreement of the authors. The document must be adapted to the guidelines mentioned in the Instructions for authors. If the article is written by several authors, everyone must sign this Letter. Licenses and protection of intellectual property. Neither the authors nor the readers have to pay to send, process, publish or read the articles in Espíritu Emprendedor TES.


Espíritu Emprendedor TES, is financed with resources that come from the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Espíritu Santo Guayaquil, Ecuador. Espíritu Emprendedor TES, provides a DOI number to each published article.


  • Have a 4th level title adjusted to the thematic areas of the Journal.
  • Have investigative experience.
  • Have experience in writing and publishing scientific articles.
  • Accept the ethical standards of the journal to carry out the review process anonymously and comply. of review times.

The Scientific Committee reviews the CV and research background and submits it for approval as a member of the Review Committee.

The Scientific Committee sends a letter of acceptance as a member of the Review Committee.

If it does not comply with the provisions of the Review Committee Session Ethics Good practices related to reviewers or incurs some of the Bad Practices in the Publication will be separated from the Committee.


First phase

  1. The manuscripts sent to the magazine Espiritu Emprendedor TES, are registered in the through the OJS platform (Open Journal System) where the General Editor confirms, immediately, the receipt of the shipment by email registered by the author. The publishing committee verifies its new submissions biweekly. 2.    The publishing committee separates the author and affiliation data and checks if it complies with the norms and thematic areas of the journal.
  2. If it does not comply, it is sent a rejection communication without the option of returning it by mail. If it complies, it goes through the urkund. Only up to 5% coincidence is accepted when passing through the urkund.
  3. In case of suspicion of a coincidence percentage of content greater than 5%, when passing through the Urkund, the level of plagiarism will be investigated in depth, following the COPE guidelines, such as: ·        
  • If a large proportion of the text is obviously plagiarized, the author will be contacted in writing indicating the percentage of plagiarism found and leaving in evidence the report that the Urkund system generates for such purposes.
  • If the author does not offer clear arguments of the case, the manuscript will be rejected without a return option.
  • If the percentage of coincidence is less than 5%, the author will be contacted in writing indicating the cases found and requesting that he reformulate the copied sentences or include Direct appointments with references to continue the review.

The time of this phase should be 1 to 2 weeks.Second phase

  1. If it passes this first phase it passes to the second where it is sent anonymously to be reviewed by experts in the field.
  2. They are classified according to the journal's thematic areas of research to send to the experts on the subject who are part of the Reviewers Committee.
  3. The evaluation of the peer reviewers is aimed at verifying the originality, relevance and quality of the research that supports the manuscript and the option chosen. Reviewers must ensure the fairness of the evaluation. On the other hand, evaluators need to maintain the confidentiality of the article they value. Once you receive the article to evaluate, despite the anonymity, if you consider that there are reasons to refrain from reviewing it (family ties, conflicts of interest, you knew before the article) communicate it to the section editor. The peer review time should last between 4 and 6 weeks. Once reviewed, following the evaluation form used by the Journal, which includes the aspects considered to determine the relevance and impact of each article. The articles that require improvement will be sent to their authors, clearly explaining what they need to improve and ensure that the article meets the conditions for publication. In this process, be objective, concrete and in-depth so that your observations and evaluations correspond to the criteria issued:·        
  • Publish,          
  • Publish when the author makes the adjustments set out in the indicated recommendations,          
  • Do not publish, Always in the report must make evaluations with all the professional ethics without making offensive judgments for the authors.
  1. Authors who recommend corrections should return the article within a maximum period of 2 weeks.
  2. If there is an author who does not agree with the decisions made by the peer reviewers, they can claim the journal with all the arguments. The journal may submit it for review by a third reviewer. It is reviewed that the corrections were made and if necessary, the pairs could review the full text again.

The time of this phase should be 3 to 8 weeks.

Third phase

  1.  Go to the Design and Layout area. The grammar, spelling and translation review of the magazine is carried out, and the right to make style corrections is reserved.
  2. The magazine reserves the right to make style corrections. When the evaluation process is finished, the editorial committee will send the authors a statement on the acceptance or rejection of the texts and will indicate the tentative date of publication. Authors will be able to access the final article through the TES Entrepreneur website (subsequent publication).

The time of this phase should be 1 to 2 weeks.

The total average time for the manuscript evaluation process is 12 weeks from of the date of confirmation of the document that complies with phase 1, 2 and 3.

Lines of publication The Scientific Magazine Espíritu Emprendedor  TES

  1. Pedagogy, Didactics, Inclusive Education and Quality
  2. Strengthening the Actors of the Economy and Business Development.
  3. Technological Innovation, Modeling and Process Simulation
  4. Food safety
  5. Local and international tourism development
  6. Marketing, technology and communication
  7. Advertising art and design


This journal provides an open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. In this sense, the readers of Espíritu Emprendedor TES, can read, download, quote, distribute, print, search or link the complete texts of the articles published in this magazine.

In the same way, being an open access journal, Espíritu Emprendedor TES does not charge any fee for sending or processing academic contributions to authors interested in publishing in this magazine.

LICENSING POLICY Articles published in the magazine Espíritu Emprendedor TES can be shared under a Creative Common Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed. is in the definition of its policy of open access and reuse of published material.The Scientific Journal of Entrepreneurial Spirit TES retains the proprietary rights (copyright) of published works, and favors and allows their reuse under the Creative Common Attribution license - Non-Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), you may copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, remix, transform, and build upon the material provided that:a) The author may not use the material for commercial purposes.
b) The author must cite the authorship and original source of their publication (journal, editorial, URL and DOI of the work).
c) The author must mention the existence and specifications of this use license.
The publication will grant each article a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Self-archiving conditions: Authors are allowed to reuse published works, that is, the post-print can be archived (or the final version after peer review or the publisher's PDF version), for non-commercial purposes, including deposit in institutional repositories, thematic or personal web pages.

Institutional preservation: In addition, it uses the Institutional Repository on the Academic Management System of the Instituto Superir Universitario Espíritu Santo that files digitally. Additionally, it has storage on an external hard drive that updates its content quarterly.

Check the participation of The Scientific Journal Entrepreneurial Spirit TES in the indexes and databases in the top menu "Indexed in Latindex":

Entrepreneurship TES uses the OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) protocol, which is based on the following formats: DC metadata format: structure the metadata with consistency with the Dublin Core format.Metadata format RFC1807: structure metadata in a manner consistent with the RFC1807 format.

MARC Metadata Format: Structures the metadata so that it is consistent with the MARC format.



URL https://www.espirituemprendedortes.com/


All the manuscripts submitted to revision in Espíritu Emprendedor TES, are inspected by a disciplined anti-plagiarism policy that ensures the originality of the articles. For this, the Urkund system is used, which analyzes the texts in search of grammatical and orthotypographic coincidences, which guarantees that the works are unpublished and ensures compliance with the editorial quality standards that guarantee their own scientific production.


Instituto Tecnológico Superior Universitario Espíritu Santo

Av. Juan Tanca Marengo Km2.5 and Av. Las Aguas, Guayaquil, Ecuador


Email: mmfernandez@tes.edu.ec

Publishing Entity

Instituto  Superior Universitario Espíritu Santo Ecuador, Guayaquil

All papers presented for the ESPÍRITU EMPRENDEDOR TES Scientific Journal must comply with the characteristics of scientific research: Be original, unpublished and relevant Address issues that respond to current problems and needs Contribute for development of scientific knowledge related to Information and Design Sciences, Administrative Sciences, Education Sciences, Communication and Marketing Sciences, Health, Gastronomy and Tourism Development Use adequate, clear, precise and understandable language Not to have been published in any media, nor be in the process of arbitration or publication Will be accepted: Scientific articles Length of documents: Scientific articles between 10 to 20 pages including reference tables and figures See formats in submission requirements