Impacto de los programas educativos en la resocialización del privado de libertad

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Yeriny del Carmen Conopoima


This article aims to address a topic of great interest and concern for all societies around the world,
such as the return to society of those who have served a criminal sentence and how to make that
insertion in a harmonious way, to avoid criminal recidivi
sm; before it arises as an element of
importance, education within the prisons, as a means to prepare them for resocialization. This
follows from the fact that education, in addition to constituting itself as a fundamental human right,
is essential to fost
er in the individual, regardless of their condition, their moral, intellectual and spiritual development; deploying in the person basic elements for harmonious coexistence, respect,
tolerance, but above all when turning it into a fundamental piece in the development of the society
to which it belongs. What indicates that education is a right of all and therefore, its guarantee and
development in penitentiary centers is imperative




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Article Details

How to Cite
Conopoima, Y. del C. (2018). Impacto de los programas educativos en la resocialización del privado de libertad. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(4), 35–46.
Author Biography

Yeriny del Carmen Conopoima, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador, Matriz-Guayaquil.

  • Universidad Metropolitana (Ecuador) principal titular teacher 1
  • National Experimental University of the Central Plains "Rómulo Gallegos": Postgraduate Professor. (Specialty in Legal Medicine, directed to Physicians attached to the National Institute of Medicine and Forensic Sciences.
  • Bicentenary University of Aragua: Pre and Postgraduate Teacher.
  • Santa María University: Postgraduate Teacher.
  • Full professor, Institute of Advanced Advanced Studies.
  • University Institute of Scientific Police (IUPOLC) today UNES
  • Associate Researcher: Research Line State Society and Development, UBA Member of the Arbitration Committee UBA-IUS Magazine. Postgraduate

    Thesis Jury, Bicentennial University of Aragua.


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