La interdisciplinariedad como eje transversal en la enseñanza de la asignatura de Emprendimiento y Gestión

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Christian Guerrero Salazar
Ana María Villamar Gavilanes


Since September 2016, the Ministry of Education has introduced an improved curricular proposal with an educational approach that is consistent with the Critical Pedagogy model in the development of logical, critical and creative thinking, without neglecting the formation of values ​​such as ethics and the awareness of citizens' obligations and rights through transversal axes. Under this perspective, interdisciplinarity is a tool that allows teachers to generate spaces for active teaching, which revolve around the identification and solution of real problems and which allows collaborative and dynamic learning. The purpose of this research was to design a proposal to apply interdisciplinarity from the subject of Entrepreneurship and Management, as a way to improve teaching practice in educational institutions in the country. The modeling was based on the methodology of Teaching for Understanding, as well as the application of active learning techniques such as the use of generating problems and the case method. The methodological strategies are the product of the teaching experience in the dictation of the subject and are presented as a series of guidelines that contribute ideas to the educational actors for the application of simple and concrete interdisciplinary projects. The proposal is clear, allowing to assess interdisciplinarity as a pedagogical advantage in the search for educational quality, from the perspective of motivated teachers and willing to change their work style assuming new professional challenges.



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How to Cite
Guerrero Salazar, C., & Villamar Gavilanes, A. M. . (2019). La interdisciplinariedad como eje transversal en la enseñanza de la asignatura de Emprendimiento y Gestión. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(1), 94–104.
Author Biographies

Christian Guerrero Salazar, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Es profesor de la Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Ana María Villamar Gavilanes, Instituto Tecnológico Superior Guayaquil, Ecuador

Docente del Instituto Tecnológico Superior Guayaquil, Ecuador


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