El plagio académico percibido por los estudiantes de la Modalidad a Distancia de la UIDE
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The objective of this research was to carry out a study that indicates the level of academic plagiarism perceived by the students of the International University of Ecuador in the distance modality, this study was made through two cross-sectional surveys directed to students who pursue different careers in the modality; The sample was taken based on a non-probabilistic procedure that was composed of 317 students, which allowed us to obtain statistical data on unethical behavior at the time of doing their academic work and exams, as well as the aspects that lead students to incur in these actions; The study was based on a similar research carried out at the University of the Balar Islands of Spain, with which we could draw important conclusions, which differ from the original study conducted by Comas (2011), in which the level of plagiarism is very high.
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