Afluencia de turismo extranjero en ecuador año 2017
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This article aimed to study the influx of foreign tourism in Ecuador year 2017, seeking to determine what factors, characteristics and perspectives that the sector presents for foreign tourists. As regards the scope of the investigation was intended to take advantage of the variety of landscapes, biodiversity and the plurality of cultures in our country doing so that foreign tourism will grow, to the point of being one of the main sources of income economic for the country.
Within the methodology that was used for its development, is characterized for being a type descriptive, exploratory, qualitative and participatory research, which allowed the study of the influx of foreign tourism in Ecuador year 2017, through the collection and analysis of information from the different techniques and methods of research.
The results showed the importance of the influx of foreign tourism in Ecuador as a very attractive tourist destination for foreign visitors. By what was considered the participation of public and private entities is essential to develop the foreign tourism, as a valid choice for the improvement of the economic conditions of the localities, and at the same time to promote the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage that peoples possess.
It was finally concluded with this article that Ecuador has great tourist potential to be exploited by foreign tourists, and thus have a better competitive position in foreign tourism as an alternative to the development in Ecuador, since that complementary projects and several initiatives have been undertaken so that the country is recognized worldwide for its tourist attractions in the country.
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