Diagnóstico del estado actual en el orden económico, social y educacional en la Parroquia Pedro Carbo
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TThe current state of the Pedro Carbo Parish was presented as part of the diagnosis made by the MEDIFORM Higher Technical Institute, which allowed it to have a reality to act and contribute to its transformation in the environment in the academic, social and economic order. The objective of this work was to corroborate the research problem. How can the MEDIFORM Technical Higher Institute contribute to transforming the Pedro Carbo Parish economically and socially? The content of the article was part of an investigation carried out by the Institutional Research Project “Contribution to the socio-economic development of the Pedro Carbo Parish”. The result was corroborated by the current state of the Parish and with it, verified the need for economic, social and educational transformation.
Keywords: Diagnosis, Pedro Carbo, Transformation
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