Factores Claves de La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial

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Tania Palacios Sarmiento
Oswaldo Velásquez


An evaluation of the Key Factors of Corporate Social Responsibility was presented; so that it serves as a reference in the professional context. The objective of this article was to endow professional practice with the theoretical references that govern Corporate Social Responsibility, so that they start from the same and allow them to nourish themselves with theoretical preparation on this process. The content of the article was part of a systematization of the publications that have been made in this regard at national and international level. It was based on an assessment on Finance, Environment and finally Ethics. Theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, from the abstract to the concrete and the logical history, were used to assess the systematization of national and international literature on Corporate Social Responsibility.


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How to Cite
Palacios Sarmiento, T., & Velásquez, O. (2017). Factores Claves de La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 1(2), 28–35. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v1.n2.2017.16
Author Biographies

Tania Palacios Sarmiento, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

Professor at the International University of Ecuador, UIDE Ecuador. Master of Science

Oswaldo Velásquez, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

Professor and researcher at the International University of Ecuador, Ecuador


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