Experiential marketing and customer loyalty from a chain of retail stores located in Lima

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Victor Hugo Fernández Bedoya
Jorge Luis Aníbal Baldárrago Baldárrago
Susana Edita Paredes Díaz


The customer's purchasing behavior has changed before the universality of the product, forcing companies to create different experiences in them to achieve their loyalty; in this sense, we wanted to determine if there is a relationship between experiential marketing and customer loyalty of a chain of retail stores specialized in the footwear trade, a quantitative investigation was conducted, with a non-experimental, descriptive correlational and transversal design, during the period 2019, with a sample of 180 clients from two of the stores located in Lima; to whom a questionnaire was applied, with prior informed consent, of 30 questions, with five response options in the Likert Scale (validity greater than 80% and value of 0.828 Cronbach's alpha). The results allowed us to conclude that there was a relationship between experiential marketing and customer loyalty (ꭓ2 = 28,424); likewise, it was identified that there was a relationship between its sensory, emotional, intellectual, behavioral and relational experiences dimensions and customer loyalty, finding a significance of the test statistic ꭓ2 lower than the level of theoretical significance in all cases; however, the degree of relationship in general was from weak to medium low (ρ = 0.381; 0.443; 0.381; 0.253; 0.438 and 0.544).


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How to Cite
Fernández Bedoya, V. H., Baldárrago Baldárrago, J. L. A., & Paredes Díaz, S. E. (2019). Experiential marketing and customer loyalty from a chain of retail stores located in Lima. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(4), 28–44. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v3.n4.2019.173
Author Biographies

Victor Hugo Fernández Bedoya, Universidad César Vallejo

Docente Investigador de la Universidad César Vallejo, Perú. 

Jorge Luis Aníbal Baldárrago Baldárrago, Universidad César Vallejo, Perú

Profesional con experiencia investigativa. 

Susana Edita Paredes Díaz, Universidad César Vallejo, Perú

Con experiencia profesional e investigativa de la Universidad César Vallejo, Perú


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