Desarrollo de colecciones de moda por medio de procesos creativos y técnicos

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Lisbeth Liliana Morocho Pilco


Fashion design is characterized by having as many work areas as the creativity of each designer allows, but creativity is not everything in this beautiful profession, since it is necessary along with it to implement and recognize the various creative and technical processes involved in the Make a fashion collection.

Currently, one of the types of fashion design that is growing by leaps and bounds is mass design; thus bringing the need to develop methodologically collections that allow to meet the needs and tastes of the end customer through products according to the trends dictated by the world of fashion.

Because of this, it is important to highlight that through this article we want to create a material that works as a guide for the good development of a fashion collection, through creative and technical processes.

This article was part of the results of a research project carried out in the Fashion Design career with an equivalent level of Higher Technician at the MEDIFOM Higher Technical Institute. Whose result expresses the need that to make a fashion collection requires creative processes as technicians, since the purpose of any company or fashion brand is to generate profitability through the products offered to its customers. This research result is synthesized in the creation of a methodology that works as a guide for the good development of a fashion collection, through creative and technical processes. This methodology contemplates the combination of Target, Market Segmentation,


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How to Cite
Morocho Pilco, L. L. . (2019). Desarrollo de colecciones de moda por medio de procesos creativos y técnicos. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(4), 45–54.
Author Biography

Lisbeth Liliana Morocho Pilco, Instituto Técnico Superior MEDIFORM, ECUADOR

Ingeniera en Diseños de Moda con exeriencia como docnte en Instituto Superior Técnico MEDIFORM. Imparte asignaturas relacionadas con Ilustración, Teoria del Diseño, Textil, Computación,  Diseño.  


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