Social conflicts and economic development in the context of the Huánuco region
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In the context of the Huánuco region, problems that arise as a cause of the exploitation of the resources that the government grants to obtain funds that allow public investments are visualized. Society, the State and private companies defend their interests, which are often contradictory, resulting in violent acts. As described, this inquiry aims to: Determine the influence of social conflicts in the economic development of the Huánuco Region in Peru 2019. To specify the objectives, an investigation was developed based on the interpretive paradigm, whose focus is qualitative, research-action design; prepared with the support of 6 participants: 1 Representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Huánuco, 1 Representative of the Ombudsman's Office of the city of Huánuco, 1 representative of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, 1 economist, 1 sociologist expert in resolution of conflicts and 1 citizen of the Huánuco Region.
The results were determined by a workbench called ATLAS TI .8, where it was interpreted that the results obtained regarding social conflicts and economic development in the Huánuco region are closely linked. This means that the full economic development of the region results in the most common social conflicts, such as with the growth of the mining fee, agriculture, among others.
With respect to the achievement obtained in this investigation, it is concluded that decision-making and the attachment of taking care of public and / or private interests abuse the rights of many citizens, leading to the many social conflicts we know today.
Keywords: Social conflict, economic conflict, private investment, public investment.
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