Sustentos teóricos sobre contaminación en los alimentos orgánicos que producen los agentes patológicos. Theoretical underpinnings of organic food contamination from pathological agents

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Lucy Burgos
Gloria Chango


Theoretical support on contamination in organic foods produced by pathological agents was presented, which is part of the results of the Research Project “Consequences of contamination in organic food produced by pathological agents in vulnerable sectors of Pedro Carbo”. This project involved professors and students from the Higher Technician in Gastronomy degree at the Higher Technical Institute MEDIFORM. Responding to the research problem, how to mitigate the effects of contamination on organic food consumed by the inhabitants of Pedro Carbo? Theoretical methods such as: analysis and synthesis, from the abstract to the concrete and the logical historical, were used that allowed the assessment of contamination in organic foods produced by pathological agents. The result allowed the researchers to nourish themselves with theoretical supports for the elaboration of a campaign that contributes to making the residents of Pedro Carbo aware of the consequences of contamination in organic foods produced by pathological agents.


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How to Cite
Burgos, L. ., & Chango, G. . (2020). Sustentos teóricos sobre contaminación en los alimentos orgánicos que producen los agentes patológicos.: Theoretical underpinnings of organic food contamination from pathological agents. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 4(1), 95–112.
Author Biographies

Lucy Burgos, Instituto Superior Técnico MEDIFORM, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Formación profesional*
- Licenciada en Gastronomia de la Universidad de Guayaquil
- Chef de Partida certificada por la Asociación de Chef
- Educador Culinario certificada por el ISAC
*Experiencia laboral*
* Docente de la Carrera de Gastronomia del IST Mediform
* Profesora del área de Cocina
Fundacion Dolores Sopeña
* Asesoramiento y Auditoría de establecimientos de Alimentos y Bebidas
* Organización de Eventos Sociales

Gloria Chango, Instituto Superior Técnico MEDIFORM, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Formación profesional*
- Licenciada en Educación especialidad Lengua y Literatura graduada de la Universidad de Guayaquil
- Abogada graduada de la Universidad de Guayaquil

*Experiencia laboral*
* Docente del IST Mediform
* Profesora del área de Lengua y Etica y Legislación 


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