El camino al éxito después del endeudamiento en el emprendimiento en la ciudad de Guayaquil.

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Anisleydi Tellez


This study focused on the identification and measurement of success factors in enterprises that have resorted to indebtedness in the city of Guayaquil. To achieve this research, the general objective was outlined: to design a model to contribute to the success of entrepreneurs who received financing from the Economic Credits Company in 2019.

To achieve this work, a field investigation divided into two stages was carried out, the first: an initial diagnosis by full-time teachers of the business careers of the Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo, to evaluate the accessibility, and availability of the entrepreneur to participate in the project. For the second, several multidisciplinary groups of students applied other research methods and techniques; surveys, interviews, work with documentary sources and consultation with specialists, as well as those of the theoretical level and some statistics.

It can be assured that the work carried out is novel because it marked a milestone in the relationship between private companies and universities, and the result is a model that allows for a significant contribution to the success of entrepreneurs who have resorted to indebtedness as a source of financing, based on the relationships established between marketing, resource control and administrative management to improve the quality of life of entrepreneurial families and the growth of business value.

In the present investigation, it was carried out for 6 months, in which an "in situ" accompaniment was carried out for the entrepreneurs who received financing from the Economic Credits company, through the "Mi Negocito" program, in this period the feasibility of the project was verified. model to contribute to the success of families that use entrepreneurship as a means of subsistence in Guayaquil.


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How to Cite
Téllez Pérez, A. (2022). El camino al éxito después del endeudamiento en el emprendimiento en la ciudad de Guayaquil. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 6(2), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v6.n2.2022.225
Author Biography

Anisleydi Tellez, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Espíritu Santo

Cubana, Magíster en Administración y Contabilidad Gerencial título de la Universidad de Camagüey, más de 11 años como docente universitaria y Directora de Carreras del Instituto Superior Universitario Tecnológico Espíritu Santo; revisora de más de 200 trabajos de emprendimiento, modelo de negocios, análisis de caso y proyectos de investigación, diseñado y rediseñado carreras que oferta la institución, la línea de investigación sobre la cual fundamentó los proyectos es: Competitividad Global.


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