The direction of job training in university students, from the discipline investigative job training.
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This work aims at modeling activities towards the development of the Head of the department capacity in the direction of the Labor Formation process from the potentialities of the Discipline Labor Formation Research, favoring the labor formation of the education professional from the Pedagogy-Psychology Major, in the teaching Department context. Along the research process theoretical methods were used like: the analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historico-logical; as well as the empirical: information review and modeling the activities proposal. Its implementation was supported by the direct techniques: participatory observation, interview, survey to students, teachers and Head of the Department of the University and the documents’ perusal which were used as non-direct technique to get information. Modeling the activities and their implementation favored the development of sociopsychological and direction technical aspects of the Head of the Department´s capacity when allowing them direct efficiently the labor formation process of this future professional from the potentialities of the aforementioned discipline.
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