Virtual education at the university in times of Covid-19

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Fabián Bravo Guerrero
Tatiana Quezada Matute


With the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is going through sudden changes, the population had to isolate itself and education had to move from face-to-face to virtuality. This abrupt transition and the subsequent adaptation to the new system have brought many difficulties to the students, understanding this problem is the objective of this research, because this new information that is generated serves to improve the virtual teaching and learning processes. Research has a quantitative approach, the technique used was the survey and as an instrument a structured questionnaire applied to 176 university students from a teacher training career. It was found that students have difficulties with connectivity and are experiencing financial problems; for their studies, they attend an average of 11.6 hours of virtual classes a week and dedicate 15.7 hours a week to developing their homework. They consider that virtual classes are not enough and should complement their studies with autonomous learning. Teachers and students are constantly improving their teaching and learning processes in the virtual mode, with this research we want to know how things happen in this atypical time of a pandemic.


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How to Cite
Bravo Guerrero, F., & Quezada Matute, T. (2021). Virtual education at the university in times of Covid-19. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 5(1), 154–166.
Author Biographies

Fabián Bravo Guerrero, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

Magister in Education, (2013), Reg Senescyt # 1043-13-11864 Didactics and Curriculum Specialist, (2011), Reg Senescyt # 1043-11-731440 Diploma in Socio-educational Research (2010), Reg Senescyt # 1043-10-717888 Superior Business Administration Technician (1997), Reg Senescyt # 2021-03-011703 Civil Engineer in Structures, in 1993, Reg Senescyt # 1007-04-510671 Currently Professor and Researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences at the University of Cuenca Professional with 22 years of experience in teaching and research

Tatiana Quezada Matute, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

Master's Degree in Mathematics Teaching from the University of Cuenca (2017) Bachelor of Science in Education in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Cuenca (2014). Currently Professor and Researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences at the University of Cuenca. Professional with 6 years of experience in teaching and research.


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