Oralidad secundaria, competencias comunicativas y expresión oral en estudiantes universitarios

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Narcisa Cedeño Viteri
Yeimer Prieto López
Francia Velasco Tutivén


Oralidad, competencias comunicativas, expresión oral, Educación Superior.

Abstract: The current demands of the contemporary world demand from professionals a high level of competencies so that they can insert themselves into the technology society. Training and developing communication skills is the main challenge and objective. The research is theoretical in so far as it contributes and applies the Albert Mehrabian Model. With Formula V - V –V. Balance between three elements (visual, vocal and verbal).

Theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis were used, from the abstract to the concrete and induction and deduction, which allowed the evaluation of the systematization of literature at national and international level on orality. For the study, a systematization of the literature was made


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How to Cite
Cedeño Viteri, N., Prieto López, Y., & Velasco Tutivén, F. (2017). Oralidad secundaria, competencias comunicativas y expresión oral en estudiantes universitarios. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 1(3), 13–27. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v1.n3.2017.26
Author Biographies

Narcisa Cedeño Viteri, Ministry of Education, Ecuador.

Bachelor of Education Master of Science. He currently works at the Ministry of Education, Ecuador. With extensive experience in educational issues.

Yeimer Prieto López, Torremar Educational Unit Mar Guayaquil, Ecuador

Bachelor of Education. Graduated from the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Holgín Cuba. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. With a significant career in university teaching and research. He currently works as a controller in the Torre Mar Educational Unit.

Francia Velasco Tutivén, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Bachelor of Education Dra. Currently works as a teacher at the Technological University ECOTEC, Guayaquil, Ecuador.


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