Evaluation of financial education in children of municipal schools of the GAD – Loja

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Dario Hurtado Cuenca
Lorena Tacuri Peña
Yovanni Merchan Valarezo


The main objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the level of financial knowledge of the children who study in the municipal elementary schools of GAD-Loja. This is due to the fact that youth at the time of becoming independent from the home have had problems regarding the use of money in its different forms and making financial decisions, mostly caused by the lack of training and talks during their school education. Regarding the scope of the article, it was proposed that in basic training schools, topics related to finance be incorporated into their training networks. Regarding the methodology, a quantitative, non-experimental and descriptive study was carried out with a sample of 223 students from the municipal elementary schools of GAD-Loja. In this regard, the instrument used was validated by expert judgment so that the topics included are relevant to the study. Finally, as the main result, it was possible to show that children have basic knowledge about financial issues, however, this is not enough; Therefore, it is considered important that the classroom can support this type of training, in order to reinforce the children's knowledge and in their adulthood they can be managed properly and minimize the impact of bad financial decisions.


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How to Cite
Hurtado Cuenca, D., Tacuri Peña, L. ., & Merchan Valarezo, Y. . (2021). Evaluation of financial education in children of municipal schools of the GAD – Loja. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 5(2), 35–54. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v5.n2.2021.267
Author Biographies

Dario Hurtado Cuenca, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador; Quito-Ecuador

Docente investigador de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador; Quito-Ecuador.

Lorena Tacuri Peña, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador; Quito-Ecuador

Docente investigadora de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador; Quito-Ecuador


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