Evidencias de economía circular en Sudamérica. Una revisión sistemática en las bases de datos Scielo y Redalyc, 2018-2020

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Magaly Esperanza Ortíz-Palomino
Victor Hugo Fernández Bedoya


The circular economy is defined as the current trend that promotes the reduction, reuse and recycling of products once their use is over, giving them a second chance and favoring environmental care. This study carried out a compilation of recent and relevant information that evidences the application of the circular economy disclosed in the main Latin American databases by means of a systematic review. The research problem was: what is the scientific evidence of the application of circular economy in South America reported in Scielo and Redalyc databases in the last three years? The results of the research identified ten scientific disclosures that provided answers to this problem, which were classified according to the approach used, the technique used, in addition to detailing their conclusions and recommendations. All the identified records agreed that the circular economy promotes sustainable development, while bringing business benefits through the increase in sales derived from the attraction of customers concerned about environmental care, and the reduction of manufacturing costs due to the acquisition of direct raw materials with lower prices for being of second use.


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How to Cite
Ortíz-Palomino, M. E., & Fernández-Bedoya, V. H. (2021). Evidencias de economía circular en Sudamérica. Una revisión sistemática en las bases de datos Scielo y Redalyc, 2018-2020. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 5(3), 13–28. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v5.n3.2021.269
Author Biographies

Magaly Esperanza Ortíz-Palomino, Universidad César Vallejo

Is a student of the Administration academic program at Universidad César Vallejo. She is a member of "Sostenibilidad" research group, in which she develops research on topics related to collaborative and circular economy; she is also a regular speaker at national and international scientific events.

Victor Hugo Fernández Bedoya, Universidad César Vallejo

Is a graduate of the Doctorate in Management, Master in Costs and Budgets, and Bachelor in Management with a major in International Business.
He is dedicated to research, has 25 scientific articles published in various databases: 10 as first author and 15 as co-author. He is classified as Renacyt Researcher by Concytec since 2019.
He is a member of the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Business Sciences of Universidad César Vallejo and also Researcher of the Observatory for Labor Insertion and Strengthening of Employability of Universidad César Vallejo.

He currently teaches end-of-career curricular experiences at the Escuela Profesional de Administración, Lima Norte.


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