Challenges of e-commerce for Ecuadorian PYMES

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Carlos Mera


This research work studied the main challenges that Ecuadorian SMEs face to adapt and compete in a digital economy, whose purpose was to provide information that allowed to expose a set of mechanisms that enable their interactive online participation. To achieve this objective, the author carried out a descriptive documentary research, using a qualitative approach, using as a study reference, the business processes carried out in Ecuador, related to: (1) payment systems; (2) digital trading platforms; and, (3) logistics operations, which, according to the Inter-American Development Bank (hereinafter IDB), must be digitized so that SMEs can strengthen their adoption of electronic commerce.

Among the main results obtained, it was found that a high percentage of the population (49%) is unbanked, therefore, they do not use electronic means of payment; on digital platforms, these are still in the development stage to consolidate as a tool for SMEs in a competitive market; and, regarding logistics operations, it was identified that its application should be aimed at reducing delivery times, and improving communication with customers.

The findings found suggest that the digitization of these processes requires, in addition to the involvement in the management of change of Ecuadorian SMEs, the support and participation of external actors, both public and private, since they can play a key role in the facilitation and development of a roadmap, according to the resources and needs of each case.


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How to Cite
Mera, C. (2021). Challenges of e-commerce for Ecuadorian PYMES. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 5(4), 19–39.
Author Biography

Carlos Mera, Instituto Superior Universitario Espíritu Santo, Ecuador

Docente investigador de las carreras administrativas del Instituto Superior Universitario Espíritu Santo, Ecuado


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