Riqueza, Abundancia y Ecología de Insectos acuáticos recogidos en Tabatinga, Benjamin Constant y Leticia

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Romário da Silva Santana
Patricia Reis do Rosário
Thays Landazuri de Aguiar


The Amazon rainforest is targeted as the richest and most diversified biome on the planet, presenting a vast abundance and diversity of aquatic insects. The objective of this study was to inventory the richness and abundance of the fauna of aquatic insects found in small streams of the Brazilian and Colombian Amazon, relating ecological aspects regarding the level of anthropic disturbance. The research was conducted monthly, between the months of October 2015 and April 2016, where 430 insects were captured, belonging to six different orders, with predominance of Ephemeroptera with more than 43%. The study represents an important contribution to the knowledge of aquatic insects, representing the richness, abundance and ecological aspects of the organisms collected for the knowledge of biodiversity, and subsequently to carry out a project of local and regional environmental management and conservation.


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How to Cite
da Silva Santana, R., Reis do Rosário, P., & Landazuri de Aguiar, T. (2017). Riqueza, Abundancia y Ecología de Insectos acuáticos recogidos en Tabatinga, Benjamin Constant y Leticia. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 1(4), 16–28. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v1.n4.2017.29
Author Biographies

Romário da Silva Santana, Universidad del Estado de Amazonas. Centro de Estudios Superiores de Tabatinga. CSTB. Amazonas. Brasil

Student of the Amazonas State University. Tabatinga Center for Higher Studies. CSTB. Amazon. Brazil

Patricia Reis do Rosário, Universidad del Estado de Amazonas. Centro de Estudios Superiores de Tabatinga. CSTB. Amazonas. Brasil.

Professor of the Biological Sciences Course. Amazonas State University. Tabatinga Center for Higher Studies. CSTB. Amazon. Brazil. With experience in research projects.

Thays Landazuri de Aguiar, Universidad del Estado de Amazonas. Centro de Estudios Superiores de Tabatinga. CSTB. Amazonas. Brasil

Biological Sciences Student at the Amazonas State University. Tabatinga Center for Higher Studies. CSTB. Amazon. Brazil


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