Optimization of product sales portfolios in the post-Covid-19 crisis, applying linear programming and forecasts
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The COVID-19 health crisis, which began at the end of December 2019, has caused serious repercussions in most countries, particularly in Ecuador. In the economic sphere, for example, MSMEs were affected by the decrease in sales; This is the case of the marketer Gutiérrez, the company under study. In this highly complex scenario, technically supported decision-making was required to help companies cope with the post-crisis. The main objective of the research was to demonstrate that it is possible to calculate an optimal combination of quantities of the sales offer that allows maximizing the profits of the company under study, in a post-crisis situation such as that generated by the Covid-19 pandemic. (WHO, 2021), through the combined application of the simplex method of linear programming and the statistical method of forecasts. Likewise, the usefulness of the simplex method of linear programming and the statistical method of forecasts in the search for a solution that allows the optimal combination of sales in the product portfolio of this type of retail companies was demonstrated.
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