La aplicación del aula invertida como propuesta metodológica en el aprendizaje de matemática

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Christian Guerrero Salazar
Yeimer Prieto López
Joaquín Noroña Medina


Presented research that addressed one of the main problems that arise when it comes to math teaching process, which is precisely to find appropriate methodological ways that allow the development of academic skills in students, without falling in the mechanization or standardization of the processes or even indiscriminate memorizing definitions and properties that contribute little or nothing at all to the development of true learning. It departed from a theoretical systematization which allowed to determine the main theoretical and methodological foundations underpinning the process of teaching and learning mathematics, as well as the consistent use of inverted classrooms. Theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, from the abstract to the concrete, and the historical logic, allowing to carry out a methodological proposal based on the inverted classroom were used.



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How to Cite
Guerrero Salazar, C., Prieto López, Y., & Noroña Medina, J. (2018). La aplicación del aula invertida como propuesta metodológica en el aprendizaje de matemática. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(1), 1–12.
Author Biographies

Christian Guerrero Salazar, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Docente de la Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Yeimer Prieto López, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Graduated from the University of Holguin Cuba. Aulìco Controller in Bilingual Educational Unit: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador. I taught the subject of Research Methodology.

Joaquín Noroña Medina, Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Ecuador

Docente  Investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Ecuador


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