La otredad y su influencia en la construcción de la escuela para todos

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Sonia Isabel Salas Arévalo
Silvia Narcisa Salas Arévalo
Rubí Alexandra Salas Arévalo


The dominant thought in current education is based on the idealization of the school for all, without rejecting individual freedom in the face of social struggles, to "exercise the right to study, to the recognition of ethnic and cultural diversity" and to the evaluation of its history and that of its ancestors so as not to revive the colonialism that involuted the cultures of many subjugated peoples for the enrichment of a few. The main objective of the study is to highlight the influence of otherness in the construction of the School for all, as well as to recognize and value that the "definition of the Other" is part of what is recognized in oneself and evidences its cultural characteristics; that is why the analysis and interpretation of some reflections of pedagogues and writers that contribute to the development of the subject, such as Elizabeth Sosa, Octavio Paz, Paulo Freire (1999) and Brunner (1996), is taken as a methodological strategy.


The result of the analysis emphasizes the importance of the term "otherness" in human coexistence to understand why some groups exclude the Other, the answer lies in the differences, the same that the teacher must know to be the first to value, respect and inspire the same in and for all participants in your class.

The conclusion emphasizes that alterity or otherness can be identified in human relationships, in culture, race, sexual orientation, ideologies, etc., however, no human differentiation, be it xenophobia, racism or other, is fully met, since that "we and the others" are part of the universe; There is the importance of knowing how to coexist and promote the growth of each individual, using dialogicity as one of the most effective human tools to interact from otherness.


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How to Cite
Salas Arévalo, S. I., Salas Arévalo, S. N., & Salas Arévalo, R. A. (2018). La otredad y su influencia en la construcción de la escuela para todos. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(1), 26–37.
Author Biographies

Sonia Isabel Salas Arévalo, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Espíritu Santo. Ecuador

 MSc., Profesora invitada del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Espíritu Santo

Silvia Narcisa Salas Arévalo, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Espíritu Santo, Ecuador

MSc. Docente de la asignatura  Pensamiento Crìtico del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Espíritu Santo

Rubí Alexandra Salas Arévalo, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Espíritu Santo, Ecuador

Ingeniera y Msc. Directora de Vinculaciòn con la Sociedad del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Espíritu Santo, Ecuador. Con amplia experiencia como docente y como investigadora. Ha participado en mùltiples eventos cientìficos. 


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