Projects Challenges to promote the development of MiPymes in the city of Guayaquil

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German Jazmany Zambrano Verdesoto


Research is important for MiPymes because it allows knowing the needs of the market and new business trends, marketing strategies and business models are significant to have an orderly structure to create new products based on customer needs. The objective of this research is based on developing projects to propose marketing strategies and business models for the commercial development of MiPymes. For this research, the structure of challenge projects was used, which is based on applied research with a descriptive, bibliographic, and field approach, we worked with 69 students, 14 MiPymes and consequently with 14 challenge projects, the sample for each project was 384. inhabitants of the city of Guayaquil, since the projects focus on generating a business model for local and national MiPymes, an instrument such as the survey was used to carry out information gathering for MiPymes and also to know the tastes, perceptions and trends of the As a result of this research, the market generated 5 business models to create new products, and 9 projects focused on marketing strategies with the objective that MiPymes have significant commercial growth.


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How to Cite
Zambrano Verdesoto, G. J. (2023). Projects Challenges to promote the development of MiPymes in the city of Guayaquil . Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 7(4), 31–52.
Author Biography

German Jazmany Zambrano Verdesoto, Universidad Estatal de Milagro / Instituto Superior Universitario Bolivariano de Tecnología

Tecnólogo, Profesor y Licenciado con Especialización en Mercadotecnia y Publicidad con Diplomado en Docencia Universitaria,  Maestría en Educación Superior y Máster en Dirección Comercial y Marketing, docente en instituciones de educación superior,  Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Instituto Superior  Universitario Bolivariano de  Tecnología,   Instituto Superior Tecnológico Guayaquil, con publicaciones científicas,  ponencias y   libros.


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