Public policies of the Government of Ecuador that benefit the first childhood

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Vinicio Alexander Chávez Vaca
Susana Iselda Delgado Santos


The present investigation aimed to describe how public policies implemented in Ecuador have benefited children from 0 to 5 years old, understood as early childhood in the Andean country. From a quantitative perspective, for the achievement of this objective, one of the main methods was the Documentary Bibliography, and the techniques of the documentary bibliographic review and the Survey; the first allowed the identification of the main concepts of public policies and integral child development, as well as the acceptance and practical interpretation that this topic of the international agenda has generated in Ecuador. The empirical study allowed to know the appreciation of the specialists of the Good Living Children's Centers, created by the State to strengthen the care of children by preserving their rights. After the discussion established between the theoretical foundation and practice, it is concluded that, although there are public policies that have favored the integral development of children, with a marked impact on the family and on their knowledge on issues such as equity, inclusion and equality of opportunities, there are still limitations especially of the didactic means that benefit the activities developed in those facilities. Hence, a more rigorous methodological study on the subject is recommended and a call is made to government institutions to spare no material and human resources that continue to promote the quality of life of early childhood.


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How to Cite
Chávez Vaca, V. A., & Delgado Santos, S. I. . (2018). Public policies of the Government of Ecuador that benefit the first childhood. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(2), 47–69.


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