From Dream to Reality: Quality Strategies for Successful Entrepreneurs

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The path of entrepreneurship is full of challenges and opportunities, turning an idea into a successful business needs more than just passion, it requires well-defined strategies and quality management that ensures the viability and sustained growth of the enterprise. This article addresses these needs, providing entrepreneurs with the tools they need to overcome obstacles and achieve success. The main objective is to equip entrepreneurs with a set of quality strategies that will enable them to transform their dreams into successful and sustainable businesses; the study seeks to inspire participants to adopt a continuous improvement mindset and implement processes that ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations. In addition, it is intended to make entrepreneurs understand the importance of quality management as a competitive differentiator in the market. The methodology of the article is divided into two main phases: bibliographical and descriptive.


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How to Cite
Consuegra Bosquez, R. (2025). From Dream to Reality: Quality Strategies for Successful Entrepreneurs. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 9(1), 79–98.
Author Biography

RICARDO CONSUEGRA BOSQUEZ, Instituto Superior Tecnológico ARGOS, Ecuador

 Master’s degree in Business Administration and Management (MBA) from the International University of La Rioja (Spain) and Economist with a Specialization in Business Management from the Polytechnic School of the Littoral (Ecuador). Worked as an Administrative Management and Process Analyst in the public and private sector, and also as a teacher of basic higher education and baccalaureate in the private sector.
Full-time lecturer at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Argos - Ecuador (academic affiliation). His research lines are: Economy, Entrepreneurship and Administration. He has published numerous articles and participated in papers since 2014.


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