Diseño e implementación de campañas de marketing y publicidad para emprendimientos

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Nancy Maria Armijos Delgado


The present research work was developed in the city of Loja, in the period 2016 to 2017, aimed at the group of entrepreneurs and small entrepreneurs belonging to the Municipal Social Support and Assistance Center "San Juan Bosco". Executed by the Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Loja Extension, through the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences; by agreement signed with the Municipality of Loja (GAD Loja). The objective of the project was to implement marketing and publicity campaigns for enterprises, since they did not have the academic knowledge to boost their businesses, for this reason a program of six training workshops was developed, providing specialized training to each one of them. In order to strengthen their presentations and product branding, preparing them for trade and exhibitions


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How to Cite
Armijos Delgado, N. M. (2018). Diseño e implementación de campañas de marketing y publicidad para emprendimientos. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(3), 54–62. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v2.n3.2018.90
Author Biography

Nancy Maria Armijos Delgado, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador

Professor at the International University of Ecuador, with professional and investigative experience


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