Comparacion de usabilidad y complejidad de frameworks Español

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Marcos Espinoza Mina
Jorge Peralta Godoy


Currently, there are hundreds of frameworks to produce web content in PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor), three are highlighted, these are: Symfony, CakePHP and Zend Framework; which have the advantage of having free licenses. In the present work the concept of framework was introduced, it was studied if it is advisable to use it or not, its advantages and disadvantages. The main objective was to make a documentary comparison analysis on the aforementioned frameworks, as an option for quality development using the PHP language. The research corresponds to a bibliographic study of books and multiple articles, which were analyzed to meet the objectives of the topic, and the basic functionalities of the three tools with an elementary application were verified. It was determined that none of the frameworks exceeds all other features, it was shown that each of them has strengths in multiple areas and is left to the user's choice.


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How to Cite
Espinoza Mina, M., & Peralta Godoy, J. (2018). Comparacion de usabilidad y complejidad de frameworks: Español. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(3), 34–53.
Author Biographies

Marcos Espinoza Mina, Universidad Tecnológica Ecotec / Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador

Engineer.Mgs. Professor and researcher at the Ecotec University / Agrarian University of Ecuador, Ecuador

Jorge Peralta Godoy, Universidad Tecnológica Ecotec, Ecuador

Teacher with professional and investigative experience. Ecotec Technological University, Ecuador


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