Parental Practices associated with school learning

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Johnn Xavier Merizalde Medranda
Xavier Moscoso Álvarez
Yeimer Prieto López


The theme of the investigation set on a descriptive study about the parental practices associated to the school learning of parents of students from 1st to 4th grade of basic education of schools in Guayaquil. It appears from the need to emphasize the importance of the involvement of parents or guardians in the educational process of children which are at a critical stage of development. The research has a Non-Experimental design with quantitative methodology. The research confirmed the hypothesis: Parental practices associated with school learning are more frequent in families with high socioeconomic status; however, there are certain scores in which middle and lower-class families overcome it.  The study made it possible to identify the reality in which families from different socioeconomic contexts are located in the city of Guayaquil, creating the possibility of intervening as agents of positive change in the problematic situations encountered.


Key words: Parental practices, school learning, family, socioeconomic context.


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How to Cite
Merizalde Medranda, J. X., Moscoso Álvarez, X., & Prieto López, Y. (2018). Parental Practices associated with school learning. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(3), 113–123.
Author Biographies

Johnn Xavier Merizalde Medranda, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Teacher of the Bilingual Educational Unit: "Torremar", Guayaquil-Ecuador

Xavier Moscoso Álvarez, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Teacher of the Bilingual Educational Unit: "Torremar", Guayaquil-Ecuador

Yeimer Prieto López, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Bachelor of Education. Audio controller of the Bilingual Educational Unit: “Torremar”, Guayaquil-Ecuador


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