El Turismo como una alternativa de desarrollo socio económico para el Cantón Loja

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Judith Maria Morales Espinosa
Yomar Rocío Pardo Villalta


This article has objective of analyzing tourism as a development alternative economic partner for the canton of Loja, tourism has had an accelerated evolution, currently represents a great facilitator of the economy. Within the scope of the investigation was that through tourism is can enhance the culture of peoples, bearing in mind a number of considerations to conserve the environment, without neglecting the economic profitability which should have.

The methodology that was used to carry out the research was of joint research, because was analyzed qualitatively the quantitative information that was collected through surveys that was applied to the inhabitants of the canton of Loja.

The results showed that belonging to the Loja province Loja canton, is one of the cantons that have been constituted as a national and international tourist destination which encompasses foreign visitors and resident visitors. The canton has great tourist attractions to visit, including museums, hotels, gastronomy and a great cultural heritage. In addition the tourist visiting the canton of Loja likes to develop various tourism activities, sites chosen by tourists focus mostly on this canton, placing to Vilcabamba in the first place of your visit options.

Therefore, as general conclusions of the research emphasized that tourism today is one of the alternatives for the socio-economic development of the canton of Loja, so it is important the promotion and proper dissemination of its tourist attractions canton and surrounding places of interest as a destination to visit the Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Morales Espinosa, J. M., & Pardo Villalta, Y. R. (2019). El Turismo como una alternativa de desarrollo socio económico para el Cantón Loja . Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(2), 21–38. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v3.n2.2019.133
Author Biographies

Judith Maria Morales Espinosa, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador

Docente e investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador. Con experiencia en impartir docencia universitaria. 

Yomar Rocío Pardo Villalta, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador

Docente de la Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador. Con experiencia profesional e investigativa.


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