Methodology of the Learning based on problems (PBL) applied to the process of training of labor psychologists.

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Karen Barrera
Romel Anangonó
Jennifer Silva


The present work was made with the objective of knowing what appraisals had the students of labor psychology against this methodology since it is the first time that a teacher exposes a different work alternative to the traditional one in Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, giving the opportunity to their students to try a pedagogical strategy that brings them closer to real problems. For this, 30 students were questioned, they put into practice this methodology to develop projects based on the creation of companies and their relationship with the personality disorders that can be generated, in order to know how to respond to these problems in a real context. . The results showed, for the most part, that the impact was positive and beneficial for their learning process and their professional development, and that it can also be applied to other subjects since a large percentage of students consider it to be a methodology superior to the traditional one. 


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How to Cite
Barrera, K., Anangonó, R. ., & Silva, J. . (2019). Methodology of the Learning based on problems (PBL) applied to the process of training of labor psychologists. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(3), 25–33.
Author Biographies

Romel Anangonó, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Especialidad de Psicología mención laboral , Quito- Ecuador.

Profesor Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Especialidad de Psicología mención laboral , Quito- Ecuador. Con experiencia profesional en áreas de Psicología. 

Jennifer Silva, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Especialidad de Psicología mención laboral , Quito- Ecuador.

Profesor Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Especialidad de Psicología mención laboral , Quito- Ecuador. Con experiencia profesional en áreas de Psicología. 


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