Increasing student motivation and classes attending through project-based learning

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Victor Hugo Fernández Bedoya


This research describes how the project-based learning method was applied in the course of business management fundamentals for second-cycle students who study the professional career of accounting at a university located in Lima, Peru. The application of the method of proyect-based learning took place during the second academic semester of 2018. This educational innovation was applied in a population and sample of 137 students, who were assigned the development of an entrepreneurial project so that it would be exhibited in a university innovation fair to be held in the eleventh week of classes. The teacher prepared a schedule of activities for the presentation and feedback of projects deliverable from week 6 to 10 (second unit), to which the students showed motivation and commitment. The approach used in the research was mixed, with a dominant approach model by the qualitative one. Among the results obtained, a greater motivation demonstrated by the enthusiasm of the students throughout the activity was demonstrated, as well as a greater percentage of attendance of the students during the duration of the project (it went from 87.45% in the first unit at 90.51% in the second).


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How to Cite
Fernández Bedoya, V. H. (2019). Increasing student motivation and classes attending through project-based learning. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 3(3), 71–80.
Author Biography

Victor Hugo Fernández Bedoya, Universidad César Vallejo

Researcher in Business and Educational Sciences.
Thesis advisor at Universidad César Vallejo (Peru) and Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru). International lecturer in scientific events related to his field of study.
He is certified as a researcher by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica (CONCYTEC - Peru), and has published more than 20 scientific articles in indexed journals of academic institutions located in China, India, Slovakia, Paraguay, Ecuador and Peru.
He holds a Bachelor's degree in International Business Administration, a degree in Statistics for Research, as well as a Master's degree in Costs and Budgets and a Doctorate in Administration. He is currently in the last year of study in the Accounting and Finances degree.   


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