Diseño de accesorios de vestuario mediante la utilización de remanentes de aluminio, por medio de valores sostenibles
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In these times the world that makes up fashion in Ecuadorian territory is integral and production is massive. When different clothing items are manufactured as clothing accessories, development that meets the needs of the present population is left aside, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. consumes goods, even if they are not necessary, with productions without identity, and as a result, environmental pollution. What we are looking to investigate are procedures and residual elements that are feasible for the elaboration of clothing accessories, taking into account the 3 rd theory; reduce, recycle and reuse, with the purpose of using it in the creation of accessory collections, all produced under sustainable parameters. Due to this, it is important to highlight that with this research it is desired to create raw material through tin waste disposed of by the human being, to elaborate innovative designs and thus offer responsible and sustainable products to consumers. This project is considered unique as it combines ecological and social elements, resulting in a message of awareness through each designed accessory, where sustainability is present to continue innovating the fashion world according to the need of our environment and not only of the consumerist individual.
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