Industrial marketing: an under-explored topic

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Victor Hugo Fernández Bedoya


The purpose of this article was to provide an updated source in relation to industrial marketing topics. The fundamentals of marketing in industrial companies (hereinafter B2B) from different sources were analyzed, comparing it with the marketing of consumer companies (from now on B2C). Finally, the researcher presented a series of recommendations for its correct use in the industry.


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How to Cite
Fernández Bedoya, V. H. (2020). Industrial marketing: an under-explored topic. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 4(2), 41–48.
Author Biography

Victor Hugo Fernández Bedoya, Universidad César Vallejo

Researcher in Business and Educational Sciences.
Thesis advisor at Universidad César Vallejo (Peru) and Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru). International lecturer in scientific events related to his field of study.
He is certified as a researcher by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica (CONCYTEC - Peru), and has published more than 20 scientific articles in indexed journals of academic institutions located in China, India, Slovakia, Paraguay, Ecuador and Peru.
He holds a Bachelor's degree in International Business Administration, a degree in Statistics for Research, as well as a Master's degree in Costs and Budgets and a Doctorate in Administration. He is currently in the last year of study in the Accounting and Finances degree.   



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