El Programa “Comunicándonos” para mejorar el vocabulario expresivo de los niños

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Petronila Melchora Tasayco Pacheco
Angela María Teresa Samamé Gonzáles


The objective of the research was to demonstrate that the application of the “Communicating” program improved the expressive vocabulary of the children, as infants have problems communicating with their classmates and teacher. The study was carried out under the quantitative approach, the design was quasi-experimental because two groups were considered, the first called experimental and the second was the control constituted by 28 and 34 students respectively, the method was hypothetical deductive, the applied technique was the evaluation with the support of the Expressive Vocabulary Figure / Word Test designed by Gardner (1987). The results showed that the mental age of the children who belonged to the experimental group increased on average 2.39 points, while the control group only increased 0.2724 points, at the same time when comparing between gender, the boys surpassed the girls, at the rate that the minors developed communication skills; Regarding the IQ, the experimental group increased 40.78 points, while the control group increased 2.12 points; Finally, when determining the membership groups in relation to the score, 50% of the experimental group obtained scores above the average, while the control group 88% remained at the deficient level.


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How to Cite
Tasayco Pacheco, P. M., & Samamé Gonzáles, A. M. T. . (2021). El Programa “Comunicándonos” para mejorar el vocabulario expresivo de los niños. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 5(1), 110–129. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v5.n1.2021.248
Author Biographies

Petronila Melchora Tasayco Pacheco, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima – Perú

Investigador de la Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima – Perú

Angela María Teresa Samamé Gonzáles, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima – Perú

Investigador de la Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima – Perú


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