Los relatos e historias de vida de maestros y la identidad profesional pedagógica

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katia Katy
Adalys Gricell Palomo Alemán
Rebeca Rodríguez Mastrapa


The objective of the article was to present an experience related to the use of the potentialities of the stories and life stories of teachers, to configure the professional pedagogical identity in the students of the Bachelor of Education career, Specialty Marxism Leninism and History, in the University of Holguin.

The methodology used prioritized the qualitative approach to research, focused on the systematization of experiences, which was combined with the quantitative approach. The results revealed significant progress, manifested in a greater knowledge of future educators of the content of the profession and career; increase in their motivations and interests towards them and in a more affective involvement in the activities they carried out. The study concluded in the positive impact that the use of the stories and life stories of teachers has, to favor the pedagogical professional identity in initial training.


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Rodríguez D´Agostini, katia, Palomo Alemán, A. G. ., & Rodríguez Mastrapa, R. . (2022). Los relatos e historias de vida de maestros y la identidad profesional pedagógica. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 6(3), 32–46. https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v6.n3.2022.307


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