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This article makes a critical analysis, based on an exhaustive bibliographic review, of the most relevant causes of gender violence, among which the following can be highlighted: the consequences suffered by minors in the development of a criminal investigation and the parameters that could lead this action to generate damages such as revictimization. In addition, the work values both the advances in the social sciences, in terms of the practical application of current theoretical references, as well as a review of the current national and foreign legal regulations. As a result of this background, it was determined the need to reform the current legal regulations in Ecuador, particularly the “Código Orgánico Integral Penal” hereinafter COIP, to ensure the gender approach in criminal investigations for crimes of abuse, harassment and rape against minors who are part of the education system, allowing the inclusion of circumstantial evidence as an effective means to prevent gender violence in schools and the justice system. Criteria that force to consider the unavoidable permanence of the gender approach, to correct everything that traces an obstacle in the triggering of the facts that negatively affects the psychology of the minor, at the time of intervening in the development of a criminal investigation.
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