Liderazgo en las empresas y su importancia

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Silvia Alexandra Jaramillo Luzuriaga
César Augustoa Neira Hinostroz


This article is about the leadership in companies and its importance in the contribution of
the business sector to its organizational development, since that is a leader able to achieve
teamwork and achieve objectives in a proper manner and constructive, it is vitally important that
a leader know direct and guide since this depends on the success of any company.
Leadership we talked about much, because of its importance in business, it ha
s always
been debated among large businesses, however, regardless of the leader in the enterprise was
born or is made, there is no doubt that leading people is valued in your company for being
generator and drive d (e) value added in it.
Today, businesses
demand leadership, i.e. a leader guiding force and to achieve the
participation of all staff, the group feels appreciated their knowledge and feel taken into account.
The leader must be friend, counselor and good guide of his subordinates.
For businesses,
the leadership is essential for their survival, may be the same good goals,
good intentions, but if you don't have a good leader driving, this nothing serves. Some specialists
come to the leadership as a wide and visionary activity that tries to discern co
mpetition and
characteristic values of a company.
Why leadership, within any company, is of utmost importance, if there isn't a good leader

or leadership, the goals of the team can be not met


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How to Cite
Jaramillo Luzuriaga, S. A., & Neira Hinostroz, C. A. . (2018). Liderazgo en las empresas y su importancia. Espí­ritu Emprendedor TES, 2(4), 1–12.
Author Biographies

Silvia Alexandra Jaramillo Luzuriaga, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador - Extensión Loja. Ecuador

Docente de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador - Extensión Loja. Ecuador. Experiencia docente e investigativa.

César Augustoa Neira Hinostroz, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador

Docente de la Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador. Con experiencia profesional e investigativa.


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