January - March

The magazine thanks the members of the Editorial Team, the Technical Team, the Translation Review area, the Design and Layout and OJS Support area for their contribution to this issue.
Special thanks to the group of peer reviewers who participated in the review of the articles corresponding to this issue.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33970/eetes.v4.n1.2020

Published: 2020-01-24

Liquidity in the economic processes of an interior decoration company, Lima 2019

Fernando Alexis Nolazco Labajos, Katherine Paola Mejia Huerta, Luis Guillermo Sicheri Monteverde


Accounts receivable in a Services Company, Lima 2018

Fernando Alexis Nolazco Labajos, Irma Lucila Ortiz Taipe, Irma Milagros Carhuancho Mendoza


Precio de venta en una empresa importadora de prendas de vestir, Lima 2018

Elizabeth Licares Mayta, Irma Milagros Carhuancho Mendoza, Fernando Alexis Nolazco Labajos


Risk factors and occupational accidents in construction companies Lima

JUANA GARAY, Adela Jesús Faya Salas Faya Salas, Carlos Oswaldo Venturo Orbegoso
